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Historic District Commission Minutes 06/05/2017
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting
Monday, June 5, 2017

Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT
REGULAR: John Forbis (Vice Chairman), Dini Mallory, Barbara Traskos ALTERNATE: Cynthia Taylor
John Pfeiffer, Jeff Cooley
Nicholas Westbrook
Call to order, Quorum call, Approval of minutes, Communications
Public Open Forum
Plaque Program Update: 206 Mile Creek Road, 209 Mile Creek Road
Secretary’s Report - Handbook update, Active CofAs
Historic District Boundaries/original Application
Any other new or old business to come before the Commission (National Register survey, FRA plan update, Town Band Concert donation)

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 9:06 a.m. by Vice-Chairman John Forbis.
Cynthia Taylor was authorized to vote in place of John Pfeiffer. Cynthia Taylor moved, seconded by Dini Mallory, to approve the May minutes as presented. John Forbis, Barbara Traskos, Cynthia Taylor, and Dini Mallory voted in favor, motion passed.

1. Communications: none
2. Public Open Forum: Nicholas Westbrook attended the meeting. He believes that museums and state and local history organizations should work together towards the common goals they have of preserving historical resources.

3. Plaque Program Update: Martha Hansen
206 Mile Creek Road: Research has been started on the neighboring property to help clarify the history of #206. Check with Gary Holland (Martha Hansen).
209 Mile Creek Road: Research is continuing.
Eve Todd, who lives on Library Lane, is interested in a plaque for her house.
32 Lyme Street: Cynthia Taylor is interested in a plaque and has done some research.
5 Bailey Road: Alexandra Escher left a note in the HDC mailbox inquiring about a historic plaque for her home. Martha Hansen will get in touch with her.

4. Secretary’s Report:  Martha Hansen and Dini Mallory are working on updates to the Historic District Handbook. New photos of the Historic District will be added and some policies and definitions will be clarified. The Historic District map illustration will be redone to identify more historic properties, including those with historic plaques. The proposed updates were handed out and discussed. John Forbis suggested that Bonnie Reemsnyder be consulted to see if she has anything to add.
Jim Meehan, of James Meehan Art Design, has agreed to work with us on layout and photographs.

Active (Open) CofAs: 30 Lyme Street, solar panel installation; 55 Lyme Street, screening fence for propane tank and AC unit.

5. Historic District Boundaries/application: John Pfeiffer would like to find out how the Historic District boundaries (1 McCurdy Road to Rose Lane) came to be set. Board of Selectmen minutes from 1967 through 1970 do not mention the boundaries. McCurdy Road was known as Shore Road at the time of the application. Martha Hansen checked back issues of the New London Day for information on the public hearings but did not find anything (10/18/1967 and 10/14/1970 were the dates of the hearings). There was no mention of the hearings in the paper, and very little reporting on Old Lyme.

6. Any Other New or Old Business:
National Register Survey: no update.
FRA Plan Update: The Record of Decision is imminent according to Bonnie Reemsnyder. The decision is expected sometime this year. Guilford and Branford are getting involved now too.

Town Band Concert donation: The HDC traditionally sponsors the Town Band Concert on the Green in the amount of $100. This will take place on Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 4 pm. The concert is sponsored by the Old Lyme Historic District Commission, The Florence Griswold Museum, Christ The King Church and the Old Lyme Historical Society. The Town of Old Lyme donates the ice cream.
Barbara Traskos made a motion, seconded by Cynthia Taylor, to authorize the HDC to sponsor the Town Band Concert in the amount of $100. John Forbis, Barbara Traskos, Dini Mallory, and Cynthia Taylor voted in favor, motion passed.

7. Adjournment: Cynthia Taylor made a motion, seconded by Dini Mallory, to adjourn the meeting at 9:38       am.  John Forbis, Barbara Traskos, Cynthia Taylor, and Dini Mallory voted in favor, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary